Can You See who Searches for You On Facebook

Who Searched Me On Facebook

I imagine there's quite a few individuals available that would be quite thinking about finding out that's been searching for them on Facebook.

Can You See Who Searches For You On Facebook

If you are among them then you'll probably appreciate this post since I saw something rather cool down the other week which allows you to do just that, and I'm going to share it with you today.

It's not the most 'sensible' of approaches, however it works-- and it's the only method I know that does. I know there's a lots of applications that claim they can show you that's been looking for you however a lot of them are just duff & are developed with various other intentions (such as stealing access to your account to post spam).

With this method you don't need to enter your username & password anywhere so unlike with other techniques there's no threat to your account.

Here's exactly how I found it.

At the time of creating this blog post I don't use Facebook-- I haven't done so for quite a while and I don't intend to in the future.

As you can possibly gather I'm not a large fan of Facebook, but I do have an account.

It doesn't have anything on it, it's just a blank account arrangement with my name and also it was produced with the sole intention of enabling me to sign up to particular websites. You understand ... The ones where you need to have a Facebook account to obtain access.

So yes as much as I do not such as Facebook I was basically required to create an account.

Now right here's the thing-- a number of weeks back I took place a night out & I met a lady. We chatted awhile as well as I offered her my number.

Disappointingly I never ever learnt through her once more (as well as I could not remember her name * whoops *).

However ... A couple of days after I so happened to sign right into Facebook on my phone, and also hunch that existed in my 'advised good friends'?

None apart from the girl I satisfied on that particular evening out!
Who Searched Me On Facebook

So after that evening out she need to have searched for me on Facebook (possibly to see if I have a sweetheart ... and maybe to bear in mind what I in fact resemble).

As well as because Facebook does not know that else to recommend to me (because I don't have anything on my Facebook profile), it's determined to show me advised friends based upon who has been looking for me.

So below's the deal.

If you currently have a Facebook account you're recommended buddies will not always show people who have actually been looking for you. Sure, several of them might have looked for you yet there is no chance of telling for sure.

As a standard Facebook will certainly reveal you advised friends based upon your passions, who your currently close friends with & what groups you've joined-- amongst a whole tons of various other points.

But if you haven't set anything up in your Facebook account, as well as you do not have any type of buddies-- it does not recognize who to recommend.

So it reveals you individuals that have actually searched for you as it's next-best hunch! Great huh?

Now if you do not currently have a Facebook profile however would have an interest in discovering that's looking for you on there then do what I did-- established an empty account and have a look at your 'suggested friends' (however make sure to check out the vital ideas below, otherwise it could ruin).

And if you do already have a Facebook yet would also be interested in learning who's been looking for you, right here's what you'll need to do ...

  • Develop a seperate account (using your actual name) and post an account image of on your own.

  • Do nothing else to the account.

Currently when people search for you they'll see 2 accounts turn up-- naturally they'll click both to figure out which one is 'the real you' ... It'll be obvious which one is your major account as it'll have close friends and also updates, but cunningly you have actually got another account sitting there all set to catch innocent searchers.

After that, when you're ready to learn that's been searching for you all you require to do is authorize right into the 'blank' account as well as check out your recommended close friends ... Bazinga! You got them.

But, consider these important suggestions.

Firstly, use good sense-- even on your 'blank' account Facebook will certainly recommended some 'random' good friends, so not everybody that turns up there will have searched for you ... But if someone appears there that you took place to fulfill who would have had nothing else previous connection to you (like the example I pointed out regarding the lady in the club), then chances are they have actually looked for you ... or else I think you'll agree that's one major coincidence.

Second of all-- don't do anything on your 'blank' account besides sign in & scroll through the checklist of suggested friends.

Seriously, nothing.

Do not browse anybody, do not click on accounts-- don't do anything.

The 2nd you offer Facebook some details it'll start using it so suggest pals so it will become harder to tell who has searched for you & who's been shown there since they're connected to something you've clicked on or browsed.

To cover it up.

There you have it-- that's specifically how you can figure out that's been searching for you on Facebook. No question you'll agree that's it not the easiest/most practical method in the method, yet hey ho it functions & it's the only method I recognize that does.