Change My Page Name On Facebook

Because we all understand just how much Facebook likes to fine-tune and also update its platform, it's feasible that you 'd like to alter some settings on your Facebook Page yet those setups are not where you remember them being! In addition to that, there are lots of times when you try to make the changes and also obtain a mistake or the switches are greyed out. This blog post likewise lays out the concerns you might encounter as well as possible remedies.

I've been asked numerous times very recently regarding changing web page names, so that means it's time for an article!

Change My Page Name On Facebook

You might have picked a name without realizing exactly how this was mosting likely to appear. If your Web page is brand-new or if you have less than 200 Sorts, you can quickly modify your Web page name by accessing your Basic Info in your Page Control panel.
Changing Facebook Page Name

After that you go to your Basic Information and you can quickly Modify your name.
Changing Facebook Page Name

But if you are re-branding or you simply want to modify your Web page name and you have more than 200 Likes you might have the chance to make a modification 1 time. I claim "may" due to the fact that this choice in some cases doesn't show up even if you haven't altered your Web page name at some point in the past.

You might see a Demand Change link next to your Name as shown here.
Changing Facebook Page Name

If you do not see that Demand Change web link, you are mosting likely to need to go to Facebook Assistance. Facebook Assistance is in some cases really hard to get any action from. It will be simpler to obtain your name transformed if you have a re-brand with an image of your web site or logo design to reveal your rebranding info.

I suggest submitting your demand in two locations. The first one is the Assistance form for Pages below:
Changing Facebook Page Name

I find having a screenshot assists to reveal your brand-new branding to make sure that Facebook can see that you have made an adjustment.

The 2nd location I recommend submitting a demand is to Facebook Advertisements Aid. Ideally you are making use of Facebook Advertisements every now and then to develop your Web page and you most likely do not wish to advertise your Page if the branding isn't consistent with your internet site.

The Ads area appears to be a little much more responsive to changes when you tell them that you can not invest anymore loan with them until your Facebook Page name is transformed (only do this if you are intending on running a marketing campaign). Submit your request below: (The type listed below looks a little bit various considering that it's older but coincides concept).
Changing Facebook Page Name

We did this when we transformed our Web page as well as it took around a week to get it done. But you might require to submit your request a number of times if you don't listen to back after a week or so. Hope those tips aid! (Please note, I can not help with Page Name Modifications-- you need to go through Facebook to obtain your Web page name altered).

Altering Your Web Page LINK or Website Address.

The various other thing you can transform (but it sometimes is tough) is your Facebook Web Page URL. Your URL is the easy as well as short web address (like

If you haven't set your Username yet, go do that now-- it makes it a lot easier to inform individuals regarding your Web page. Yet Take Care-- this is more difficult to get altered. Once you establish it, the LINK is taken as well as can not be "launched" even if you remove the Web page.

It can not have any kind of rooms between the letter as well as I don't recommend putting things like periods or underscores in between words. Then when you establish it, capitalize the first letter of each word. Even if somebody enters the LINK without the capital letters it will certainly still go to the ideal area.
Changing Facebook Page Name

If you have actually currently established your URL as well as need to rebrand, you can occasionally request an one-time change as revealed prior to.
Changing Facebook Page Name

If you do not have this capability, you will have to go with the same procedure as synopsis above with Facebook Help. I think the URL is as big a deal as ensuring your you branding is consistent in your Facebook Page name. However if your name has actually transformed dramatically, then you need to get that remedied.

Have you needed to change your Page name in the past? How has it gone with you? Let me recognize in the comments (remember I can't aid with actual Facebook Modifications, you will require to visit Facebook directly for that.